Team Building For Managers


Team building is an integral part of the work experience. It applies to your work life and transfers over to your personal and social life. When working with a team, it is important to engage yourself fully. One should take the time and proper steps to become the best team member.

With our Team Building For Managers course, you will learn how important team building is and how beneficial it can be. Through this course, you will gain a new perspective on teamwork and become a valuable member of any team you are placed in. Follow the information in this course and create a positive atmosphere within your company.

Course Curriculum

  • Introduction
    • Course Objectives ..
  • Module 1
    • What Are the Benefits of Team Building? ..
    • Better Communication and Conflict Resolution ..
    • Effectiveness ..
    • Motivation ..
    • Camaraderie ..
    • Knowledge Check ..
  • Module 2
    • Types of Team Building Activities ..
    • Games ..
    • Activities ..
    • Education ..
    • Social Gatherings ..
    • Knowledge Check ..
  • Module 3
    • Games ..
    • Games for Introductions ..
    • Games to Build Camaraderie ..
    • Games for Problem-Solving ..
    • Games to Stimulate Interaction ..
    • Knowledge Check ..
  • Module 4
    • More Team Building Games ..
    • Games to Build Trust ..
    • Games to Motivate ..
    • Games to Build Communication ..
    • Games for Conflict Resolution ..
    • Knowledge Check ..
  • Module 5
    • Activities ..
    • Activities to Build Camaraderie ..
    • Activities for Idea Sharing ..
    • Activities to Build Trust ..
    • Activities to Stimulate Interaction ..
    • Knowledge Check ..
  • Module 6
    • More Team Building Activities ..
    • Activities to Motivate ..
    • Activities to Improve Working Together ..
    • Activities to Build Communication ..
    • Activities for Conflict Resolution ..
    • Knowledge Check ..
  • Module 7
    • Social Gatherings ..
    • Singing/Karaoke ..
    • Dinner/Potlucks ..
    • Physical Activities ..
    • Meetings ..
    • Knowledge Check ..
  • Module 8
    • Common Mistakes When Team Building ..
    • Allowing Cliques to Develop ..
    • Not Delegating Tasks ..
    • Rewarding in Private/Criticizing in Public ..
    • Disjointed Plans of Grandeur ..
    • Knowledge Check ..
  • Module 9
    • Formatting a Team Building Plan ..
    • Define the Goal ..
    • Consult Team Members ..
    • Research and Create Structure ..
    • Keep It Fun ..
    • Knowledge Check ..
  • Module 10
    • Evaluate ..
    • Was the Goal Met? ..
    • Was the Team Building Cohesive? ..
    • What Did the Team Think of the Team Building? ..
    • How Can the Team Building Be Improved for Next Time? ..
    • Knowledge Check ..
  • Assessment
    • Post Test ..