Contact Center Training


For many people, the term Contact Center relates to sales calls and telemarketers.  There are so many avenues that a contact center can be of assistance within a company that does not pertain to sales calls.  A contact center can provide customer support, information technology support, and much more.  The key to having a great customer experience using a contact center is in the training.   A well-trained contact center can be the difference between gaining more customers and losing customers.  Customers want a well-educated agent when they contact a business.  They want to know that the person answering their questions knows what they are talking about.  Training your staff, and giving them the information that is needed to effectively assist your customer base is paramount.

With our “Contact Center Training” course, you will discover the basic elements of being an effective employee of a contact center.

Course Curriculum

  • Introduction
    • Course Objectives ..
  • Module 1
    • It Starts at the Top ..
    • Create an Open Culture ..
    • Understand Goals ..
    • Understand Agents' Responsibilities ..
    • Identify Education Opportunities ..
    • Knowledge Check ..
  • Module 2
    • Peer Training ..
    • Top Performing Employees ..
    • Discuss Role With Company ..
    • Critique Previously Recorded Calls ..
    • Cross Training ..
    • Knowledge Check ..
  • Module 3
    • How to Build Rapport ..
    • Smile in Your Voice ..
    • Engage in Small Talk ..
    • Listen, Acknowledge, and Empathize ..
    • Be Yourself ..
    • Knowledge Check ..
  • Module 4
    • Learn to Listen ..
    • Allow Customer to Talk ..
    • Avoid Judgment ..
    • Take Notes ..
    • Recap the Call ..
    • Knowledge Check ..
  • Module 5
    • Manners Matter- Etiquette & Customer Service (I) ..
    • Scripting ..
    • Dead Air ..
    • Tone & Inflection ..
    • Saying it the Right ..
    • Knowledge Check ..
  • Module 6
    • Manners Matter- Etiquette & Customer Service (II) ..
    • "Reading" Your Customers ..
    • Properly Transferring Calls ..
    • Going the Extra Mile ..
    • Limit Information ..
    • Knowledge Check ..
  • Module 7
    • Handling Difficult Customers ..
    • Keep Calm ..
    • Listen, Repeat, and Apologize ..
    • Avoid Placing Blame ..
    • Solve the Problem ..
    • Knowledge Check ..
  • Module 8
    • Getting the Necessary Information ..
    • Have a Checklist ..
    • Linear Thinking ..
    • Open-Ended Questions ..
    • Close-Ended Questions ..
    • Knowledge Check ..
  • Module 9
    • Performance Evaluations ..
    • Consistent Service ..
    • Abandoned Calls ..
    • Speed of the Answer ..
    • Length of Call ..
    • Knowledge Check ..
  • Module 10
    • Training Doesn't Stop ..
    • Evaluate Progress ..
    • Get Feedback on Training ..
    • Kudos to Deserving Employees ..
    • Have Monthly Meetings ..
    • Knowledge Check ..
  • Assessment
    • Post Test ..